Only the finest roses in the world are able to be branded Walter Knoll Florist.
Only the finest roses in the world are able to be branded Walter Knoll Florist.
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Indulge in the world's finest Ecuadorian roses with our exquisite bouquet of one dozen hand-selected blooms. Carefully arranged in their natural beauty, these roses are a testament to elegance and sophistication. Available with or without delicate baby's breath, this bouquet is a true embodiment of timeless charm.
Delivered in a large glass vase, our roses are accompanied by an abundant supply of water, ensuring their longevity and freshness. We take pride in providing the optimal conditions for these exquisite blooms to flourish. Please note that the container may vary from the one shown, adding a touch of uniqueness to your arrangement.
The rose, renowned for its beauty and fragrance, carries a rich history of symbolism and meaning. In ancient Greece and Rome, this captivating flower was associated with the goddesses of love, Aphrodite and Venus. A tradition emerged in Rome, where a wild rose was placed on the door of a room during confidential discussions, giving rise to the phrase "sub rosa" or "under the rose," signifying secrecy.
Early Christians found significance in the rose, identifying its five petals with the five wounds of Christ. Despite initial hesitation due to its association with Roman excesses and pagan rituals, the red rose became a symbol of the blood shed by Christian martyrs. Over time, roses also came to be associated with the Virgin Mary, adding a layer of devotion and purity to their symbolism.
Celebrate the enduring allure of the rose with our meticulously selected Ecuadorian blooms. Each petal speaks volumes, carrying with it centuries of history and meaning. Order now to experience the elegance and sentiment of these remarkable flowers, and let their timeless beauty create a lasting impression.