Walter Knoll Florist

Walter Knoll Florist

Posted by wkf on August 7, 2011 Uncategorized


Everyone loves sunflowers – they are amazing plants to grow and harvest – I grow some every year – here’s a pic from back in the 70s!

This year my neighbor had a wild one show up in his garden along our fence – the mama of all sunflowers!

For the next two weeks we have a sunflower special going on at Walter Knoll Florist – our wholesale bunch special thru August 21 is 5 fabulous sunflowers for $7.50.  We also have special savings on an arranged sunflower bouquet that you can have delivered, because we know that not everyone can grow them!

This year I am growing some “white” sunflowers – this couple appears to be having one of those “May/December” relationships!