Favorites in Mother's Day
Mother's Day Flowers
Walter Knoll Florist has been making Mother's Day special for over 138 years. You can trust Walter Knoll Florist to deliver your Mother's Day sentiments. Walter Knoll Florist is your resource for Mother's Day gift giving. This Mother's Day, give a wonderful bouquet of flowers from Walter Knoll Florist. Whether you choose a Walter Knoll Florist original bouquet or a bouquet made of roses, tulips, daisies, you can rest assured that Walter Knoll Florist will completely satisfy your Mother’s Day gift needs. Delight Mom with fresh cut flowers - a classic gesture of love and appreciation on Mother's Day. Remember the others, too: your mother-in-law, stepmother, godmother, grandmother, and mother of your children.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is Walter Knoll Florist the best choice for local Mother's Day flowers in St. Louis?
Walter Knoll Florist is proud to have been your local St. Louis florist since 1883! We source our flowers from the highest quality origins available, and surround ourselves with a team of experts and artists that will be sure to amaze and delight mom today and every day.
When is Mother's Day?
Mother’s Day is Sunday, May 12th, 2024.
Where does Walter Knoll Florist offer Mother's Day flower delivery?
We are proud to offer delivery to the entire St. Louis metro area including O’Fallon, Creve Coeur, Maryland Heights, Chesterfield and all local businesses, hospitals and residences.
Does Walter Knoll Florist offer same-day flower delivery?
We offer same-day flower delivery and gift delivery each and every day that we are open and have the capacity to do so. We reach capacity on busy holidays like Mother’s Day. Ordering early is highly recommended!
What kinds of plants and gifts does Walter Knoll Florist offer for Mother's Day?
We carry a lovely selection of gifts that can be either sent on their own or alongside an arrangement or live plant. Be sure to browse our selection of live plants grown right here in our St. Louis garden center, including orchids, peace lily plants, hardy succulents, garden basket arrangements, low-maintenance planters and more.