Greetings From The GardenCenter!

Would you look at that shiny eggplant? Wow! We have several potted, ready to enjoy! Dad wants an eggplant instead of a tie!

Yellow Hibiscus in front of Oleander
We have an abundance of gorgeous hibiscus! Yellow, pink, orange/red, and even some with unique multicolored leaves, are available. Pretty in a pot! The hibiscus are good sized and a large presentation at a value price.
Create a colorful hibiscus hedge around a summer display!

Oleander behind unusual hibiscus plants
Our Garden Center is located at 1010 California at LaSalle on historic Florist’s Row – general public welcome! We also have large fruit plants including raspberries, blackberries and blueberries – and did I mention the tomatos and peppers and herbs! Lots of annual and perennial flowers and grasses too!
Enjoy! Regina And The Garden Center Staff
Father’s Day is Sunday, June 17!