Stop into any Walter Knoll Florist location on Friday afternoons (1-22-10 through 2-5-10) for Date Flowers and Walter Knoll Florist will donate 100 percent of the purchase price from your Date Flowers to the Salvation Army Relief for Haiti Earthquake victims. Date Flowers at the special $10 price are only available in person at stores on Fridays. Date Flowers are $20 every other day of the week and 100% of the purchase price of all Date Flower sales will be donated.
here is a comment from one of our customers who works at Salvation Army:
This is so great. Thank you so much for doing this fund raiser. Here is the latest press release we have on what the Salvation Army is doing in Haiti.
Linda L. Day
Administrative Aide

Bulletin Date: Thursday, January 21, 2010 at 10:43:05 AM CSTSource: Public and Corporate Relations
The Salvation Army USA Central Territory
10 W Algonquin Road — Des Plaines, IL 60016
W: 847-294-2046 M: 847-571-1868 |
The Salvation Army Haiti Relief Fact Sheet 1-21-2010
Haiti Earthquake
For the latest updates on The Salvation Army’s response to this disaster, please visit http://blog.salvationarmyusa.org/, http://twitter.com/salvationarmyusand http://www.facebook.com/SalvationArmyUSA.
The Salvation Army is in the midst of its largest international relief effort since the Tsunami in 2005
- More than 700 officers and staff permanently stationed in Haiti are responding to the needs of the people there.
- Dozens of Salvation Army disaster response workers and medical teams from the U.S., Canada, the U.K. and other countries have been sent to Haiti and are administering aid.
- The Salvation Army has established a supply line from south Florida to Port au Prince to deliver aid and supplies to its disaster response teams, including more than 2 million meals within the next week to two weeks.
- Assessment teams have been in the country since Friday, January 15, planning a long-term response to help people rebuild their homes and lives.
- The Salvation Army is working with the Hatian government, the U.S. military, FEMA, the United Nations, other NGOs and its corporate partners to implement a broad response to the tragedy.
Since response began, The Salvation Army has distributed more than 14,000 meal kits to families in Port Au Prince.
- The provisions are enough to supply a family with five days of food.
- Workers on-the-ground have observed that food is such a desperate need that many people with even severe wounds will line up to receive food BEFORE seeking medical treatment because they feel that the lack of food is the greater threat to their immediate survival.
- At the main Salvation Army compound at Delmas 2 in Port Au Prince, a 10,000-gallon water purification system is operational and serving survivors.
- Thousands of people have made their home in a large soccer field behind this compound and emergency teams are concentrating efforts assisting these people.
More than 600 people have been given medical aid by Salvation Army doctors, nurses, paramedics and other specialists trained in medical care.
- Dozens of doctors, nurses and other medical specialists from United States, Canada, the U.K. and other countries are treating hundreds of people per day in Port Au Prince and elsewhere.
- Specifically, doctors and nurses have delivered several babies at the main compound in Port Au Prince and have been working at orphanages in the area to assist infants who have had little help since the earthquake struck.
In the U.S., The Salvation Army has organized a base of operations in south Florida and is moving supplies and personnel regularly.
- A cargo plane containing medical and other supplies and a small plane of relief workers arrived in Port Au Prince Wednesday (1/20/10).
- Massive shipments of water, food, sheltering and other emergency supplies being secured, organized, and staged for shipment to Haiti and distribution through 4 existing Aid Centers.
- Due to the logistical challenges of getting large planes into Haiti directly, The Salvation Army is currently considering options to establish a supply line through Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
Monetary donations and prayer are the two most critical needs as supplies and personnel are mobilized
- As of Wednesday (1-20-10) morning, The Salvation Army had raised more than $5.75 million for relief efforts.
- Donors can text the word HAITI to 52000 to donate $10 to The Salvation Army’s relief efforts via their phone bill. It is important for donors to confirm their donation with the word, “yes.”
- Monetary donations can also be made through:
- www.salvationarmyusa.organd via PayPal
- 1-800-SAL-ARMY
- The Salvation Army World Service Office
International Disaster Relief Fund
PO Box 630728
Baltimore, MD 21263-0728
*Please note that your donation is for Haiti Earthquake relief*
- Even before donations are processed, The Salvation Army is committing and spending money on relief efforts in Haiti. Donations are critical now and also help ensure that the long-term needs of the Haitian people are met.
The Salvation Army has had a presence in Haiti since 1950 and its personnel who were affected by the earthquake are now working to assist others in need
- The Salvation Army operates schools, clinics, hospital, feeding programs, children’s homes and church-related activities through some 60 Corps community centers across the country.
- For more information about The Salvation Army’s activity responding to the disaster in Haiti, please visit http://www.salvationarmyhaiti.org/or their Facebook pages at http://bit.ly/8AAgWs, http://bit.ly/6T7KHa, and http://bit.ly/6e9aUs.
- Bob Poff, the Director of Disaster Services for The Salvation Army in Haiti, shares his story about the earthquake here: http://bit.ly/721Jk2.
- All photos, video and other material on these pages are free for public and media distribution.
About The Salvation Army USA
The Salvation Army, an evangelical part of the universal Christian church established in 1865, has been supporting those in need in His name without discrimination for 129 years in the United States. Nearly 30 million Americans receive assistance from The Salvation Army each year through the broadest array of social services that range from providing food for the hungry, relief for disaster victims, assistance for the disabled, outreach to the elderly and ill, clothing and shelter to the homeless and opportunities for underprivileged children. 82 cents of every dollar spent is used to support those services in 5,000 communities nationwide. For more information, go to www.salvationarmyusa.org.
Office of Public and Corporate Relations
The Salvation Army USA Central Territory
Community Relations and Development Department
10 W Algonquin Road, Des Plaines, IL 60018
[email protected]